How we can setup your brokerage in just 10 days?

Setting up a forex brokerage doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming. With our expertise, we ensure that your entire brokerage is up and running after 10 working days. Our efficient, step-by-step implementation process covers all the essentials, from liquidity connections to hosting, providing you with everything you need to start your business quickly and smoothly.

English (英文)


建立外汇券商并不复杂或耗时。凭借我们的专业知识,我们可确保整个券商业务在 10 个工作日后启动运行。我们高效的分步实施流程涵盖了流动性连接到托管的所有基本要素,为您提供快速、顺利开展业务所需的一切。

Chinese, Simplified (簡體中文)


建立外匯券商併不復雜或耗時。憑借我們的專業知識,我們可確保您的整個經紀業務在 10 個工作日後啟動併運行。我們高效的分步實施流程涵蓋了從流動性連接到托管的所有基本要素,為您提供快速、順利開展業務所需的一切。

Chinese, Traditional

Why partnering with a US-based trading tech provider brings you more assurances?

In today’s financial world, reliability and trust are non-negotiable for all brokers. With growing concerns over long-term stability, regulatory alignment, and data security, it's becoming increasingly crucial to choose a provider that offers more assurance. Compared to other mainstream options, we offer compelling offerings rooted in transparency, innovation, and compliance.
English (英文)



Chinese, Simplified (簡體中文)



Chinese, Traditional
