XForce Platform Empowers Your FX/CFD Business

In 1997, Fortex was founded in Palo Alto, California, where technology giants such as Google and Oracle were born.

Fortex has led innovation in the e-trading industry for 25 years and has risen to prominence in the reform of U.S. financial regulatory laws. This has allowed Fortex to become familiar with regulatory mechanisms and compliance. We partner with many of the world's financial giants, including banks, exchanges, brokers, and LPs.

English (英文)

Fortex XForce 新一代电子交易平台

无论有或没有MT,Fortex XForce 交易平台一直都在。

Fortex推出了新一代电子交易平台Fortex XForce。如果您的机构旨在提供股票、期货、外汇、差价合约及衍生品等多资产电子交易服务,我们诚邀您共享成功。

Fortex XForce多资产交易平台主要特点和优势如下:



Chinese, Simplified (簡體中文)

Fortex XForce 新一代電子交易平臺

無論有或沒有MT,Fortex XForce 交易平臺一直都在。
Fortex推出了新一代電子交易平臺Fortex XForce。如果您的機構旨在提供股票、期貨、外匯、差價合約及衍生品等多資產電子交易服務,我們誠邀您共享成功。

Fortex XForce多資產交易平臺主要特點和優勢如下:



Chinese, Traditional

Fortex XForce Trading Platform

At Fortex, we’ve been closely following the latest developments surrounding MetaTrader 4/5 mobile apps and Apple App Store. For financial institutions that would like to offer online multi-asset trading services on Stocks, Futures, FX/CFDs, and derivatives with alternative trading platform options, we'd like to introduce to you Fortex XForce multi-asset trading platform and its key features and advantages.

English (英文)

Fortex XForce交易解决方案


答案是Fortex XForce交易平台。

在公司成立的25年历程中,有很多在线券商和金融机构,都采用Fortex XForce交易平台,构建起了在线券商和机构交易业务,并取得极大的成功。


Fortex XForce 电子交易解决方案,让券商可以给客户提供多样的交易端和完整的交易体验,包括:

Chinese, Simplified (簡體中文)

Fortex XForce交易解決方案


答案是Fortex XForce交易平臺。

在公司成立的25年歴程中,有很多在線券商和金融機構,都採用Fortex XForce交易平臺,構建起了在線券商和機構交易業務,併取得極大的成功。


Fortex XForce 電子交易解決方案,讓券商可以給客戶提供多樣的交易端和完整的交易體驗,包括:

Chinese, Traditional

Fortex WebTrader for MT4/5

Recently, popular forex and contract for difference (CFD) trading platforms, MetaTrader 4 (MT4) and MetaTrader 5 (MT5), are no longer available to download from the App Store, the online mobile store of giant technology manufacturer, Apple Inc. MT4 and MT5 were developed by the software company, MetaQuotes.

Many MT4/5 brokers have been talking to Fortex to find a proper solution to alleviate the impact.

English (英文)

兼容MT4/5的Fortex WebTrader



Fortex作为MetaTrader生态上的支持者,Fortex使用了MT4/5的体系架构,开发了匹配MT4/5的网页版交易终端Fortex 6 WebTrader。

Fortex WebTrader可以兼容MT4/5,机构客户通过Fortex WebTrader,可以用MT4/5的账号,在任意一个桌面、移动端浏览器登录,进行和MT4/5一样的交易。具体优势如下:

Chinese, Simplified (簡體中文)

兼容MT4/5的Fortex WebTrader



Fortex作為MetaTrader生態上的支持者,Fortex使用了MT4/5的體系架構,開發了匹配MT4/5的網頁版交易終端Fortex 6 WebTrader。

Fortex WebTrader可以兼容MT4/5,機構客戶通過Fortex WebTrader,可以用MT4/5的賬號,在任意一個桌面、移動端瀏覽器登錄,進行和MT4/5一樣的交易。具體優勢如下:

界面前衛美觀: :操作界面直觀大氣,使用上簡單快捷易用,功能全面;

市場深度功能:擁有專業的Level 2功能及市場行情數據;

Chinese, Traditional
