Now you can give MetaTrader (MT4/MT5) users direct access to global Tier 1 liquidity and advanced trading capabilities.
Founder and Executive Chairman, Advanced Markets
Bridge OMX transformed FX trading for tens of thousands of MetaTrader users and was the driving force behind the success of MT4/MT5 powerhouses such as Interbank FX, Forex Liquidity LLC, Pepperstone, and Advanced Markets. We process up to $12 billion and more than 500,000 tickets daily, helping our clients achieve nine-figure annual revenues.

Get Advanced Trading Features
Tap the power of the Fortex ECN platform’s advanced trading capabilities and the industry’s fastest high-performance trading fabric. Domain-based quotes and order flow internalization make it easier to stream quotes and enhance yield on order flows. Auto-dealing and scalp guard features automate market-making while protecting your internal systems. A wide range of allocation features, omnibus and minibus accounts, auto-hedging capabilities, and reporting features help you maximize your MetaTrader investment while delivering more powerful trading to your traders.
Flexible Deployment Options
Fully managed hosting service: We offer enterprise clients a fully managed hosting service for your MetaTrader environment. Our offering is backed by our in-depth knowledge and experience in the MetaTrader (MT4/MT5) ecosystem and powered by the Fortex ECN platform.
White-label program: For SME clients, we offer a white-label program that lets you lease—instead of purchase—our exclusive MetaTrader trading environment. Pay for what you use and eliminate the cost, support, and maintenance associated with a premises-based MetaTrader deployment.
Access Tier 1 Liquidity Directly
Fortex Bridge OMX gives MetaTrader (MT4/MT5) users direct access to vast Tier 1 liquidity from all major money center banks and venues for more than 80 global currency pairs as well as metal, energy and CFD products. Gain instant, low-cost Straight-Through Processing (STP) of your orders at razor-thin spreads.