
外汇科技行业下一个行业风向标是什么?升级版的MT4桥,可以直接让在手机上实时调整所有桥插件的设置,不需要服务器重起就可以生效?想象已经变成了现实。Fortex方达科技已经完成了其旗舰版MT4 Bridge OMX桥插件设置界面的全面升级,使用创新的HTML5技术。这个新的、流畅的界面使得用户可以轻松的对报价制定器和交易执行设置参数,在任意一个网页浏览器上进行操作。


Fortex Bridge OMX桥插件网页版界面可以在所有手机和移动设备上登录,并且随时可以登录调整经纪商最重要的风险设置。使用这套轻点鼠标便可灵活调节的界面,经纪商可以更完美的应对市场新闻事件,更有效的管理风险,瞬间触及到所有重要信息。


Fortex Bridge OMX完美驾驭订单通过率、稳定性、可靠性和可拓展性的种种考验。Fortex方达科技作为全球顶级ECN提供商,每天会接受来自于数以万计的交易员,120亿美金的交易和500,000张的订单处理,帮助我们的客户取得了显著的收益。


Chinese, Simplified

A Landmark Partnership between Fortex and Axiory

Redwood Shores, California, February23, 2016Fortex, Inc., one of the leading electronic communication network (ECN) trading platforms, and Axiory – a global operated brand with direct market access (DMA), brokerage & asset management services, have teamed up to drive FX industry transformation in a collaborative effort to make FX Trading available on-the-go from any device.


Fortex and GDMFX forge global partnership to transform Forex Web trading standards

Redwood Shores, California, October 21, 2015 – Fortex, Inc., one of the leading electronic communication network (ECN) trading platforms and Global Derivative Capital Markets NZ Limited (GDMFX), a New Zealand registered international broker-dealer, announced today that they have formed a technology partnership that will make Fortex’s MT4 Web Trader solution available to GDMFX's worldwide clientele.


Fortex Launches Fortex 6

REDWOOD SHORES, Calif., September 30, 2014 – In a move that extends the powerful Fortex currency trading platform to end users, Fortex, Inc., today announced Fortex 6, its new cloud-based trading application and algo-ready development engine for traders. The introduction of Fortex 6 also represents Fortex’s debut as a platform vendor that now sells its revolutionary FX trading solutions directly to end users and broker dealers.

