Fortex XForce Multi-trading terminal, made for trading

Fortex 5 and Fortex 6 bring the power and market depth of XForce directly to traders.

Fortex, a pioneer in multi-asset e-trading solutions, offers to its global clients with sophisticated e-trading experience.

With Fortex's flagship product XForce e-trading platform, Fortex clients are empowered to take on various e-trading key business.


Fortex XForce多交易终端,为交易而生

Fortex是全球领先的多资产电子交易解决方案提供商,Fortex XForce电子交易平台,能够为用户提供多交易终端,包括Fortex 5 Terminal 、Fortex 6 网页端和移动端、API接入,以解决不同类型机构客户在电子交易中的各类问题。

Fortex 5 PC端
Fortex 5 Terminal是XForce电子交易平台的机构交易终端,面向机构客户,根据他们的使用需求、功能偏好、操作习惯等量身定制。Fortex 5 Terminal 可以直连主要中心银行、LP(流动性提供商)、交易所、对冲基金等流动性提供方,并以极小成本,获得即时、低成本的直通式 (STP)订单处理,相比市面其他系统,拥有更强的高频、低延迟性。

Chinese, Simplified

Fortex XForce 多交易終端,為交易而生

Fortex是全球領先的多資產電子交易解決方案提供商,Fortex XForce電子交易平臺,能夠為用戶提供多交易終端,包括Fortex 5 Terminal 、Fortex 6 網頁端和移動端、API接入,以解決不同類型機構客戶在電子交易中的各類問題。


Fortex 5 PC端
Fortex 5 Terminal是XForce電子交易平臺的機構交易終端,面向機構客戶,根據他們的使用需求、功能偏好、操作習慣等量身定製。Fortex 5 Terminal 可以直連主要中心銀行、LP(流動性提供商)、交易所、對沖基金等流動性提供方,並以極小成本,獲得即時、低成本的直通式 (STP)訂單處理,相比市面其他系統,擁有更強的高頻、低延遲性。

Chinese, Traditional

Fortex XForce bridging to metatrader4/5

Many Fortex clients utilize Fortex XForce e-trading platform as a complete and stand-alone institutional trading platform. Some utilize its rich features to bridge to MetaTrader4/5 (MT4/5) platform and to improve the MT4/5-based clients trading experience.

Let's find out what value XForce brings to Fortex global clients.

Fortex XForce for MT4/5:


Fortex releasing next generation BackOffice 7

XForce is Fortex's multi-asset trading platform that packs liquidity aggregation, order and risk management, MT4/5 Bridges, FIX API, hosting, and multiple trading GUI in one valued SaaS offering. Its managerial workstation Back Office 7 is equipped with new core and infrastructure that is set to provide Fortex's clients with smoother, easier, more powerful user experience, and is designed to offer full coverage across multi-asset classes.
Major highlights of Back Office 7:


MT Proxy and Fortex have launched a global strategic partnership

MT Proxy and Fortex have launched a global strategic partnership. MT Proxy – the creator of an innovative proxy server solution – will help forex brokers boost their connectivity and speed up trading for clients. While Fortex – their new strategic partner – will give forex brokers access to advanced trading platforms and market-leading liquidity solutions.

