If you are running your trading strategies on Expert Advisor (EA) and would like to make it work with Fortex Accounts. Here are the 3 options you’d m[……]
All posts by Client Success Team
Key Competitive Edges: Why U.S. Companies Shine in Trading Platform Technology
Optimize your trading platform performance with Acceleration for Mainland China network solution
Brokers targeting the Mainland China market have been facing significant challenges due to network policy, which has long been a major obstacle. C[……]
How to setup view-only password on Fortex Accounts
This new feature allows you setup view-only password. Many trading platform users require a master password and a view-only password. Users with main[……]
How to set up the commission calculated by lots?
This is a new feature that allows you to set the commission for trading accounts based on the number of lots traded. You can also customize the commis[……]
How we can setup your brokerage in just 10 days?
Setting up a forex brokerage doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming. With our expertise, we ensure that your entire brokerage is up and[……]
Why Diversifying Trading Platforms with Fortex is Essential
In the dynamic realm of trading, relying solely on a single platform can pose significant risks. Integrating Fortex alongside your existing so[……]
The Ultimate Full-Package Solution for Brokerages
Our Fortex Trading Platform is specifically designed to meet the needs of financial institutions. This real full-package solution empowers you[……]
Make Data-Driven Trading Decisions with Fortex
In today’s fast-paced financial world, making informed, data-driven trading decisions is crucial to staying ahead. With Fortex, financial inst[……]
Why partnering with a US-based trading tech provider brings you more assurances?
In today’s financial world, reliability and trust are non-negotiable for all brokers. With growing concerns over long-term stability, regulatory align[……]