
外匯科技行業下一個行業風向標是什麽?升級版的MT4橋,可以直接讓在手機上實時調整所有橋插件的設置,不需要服務器重起就可以生效?想象已經變成了現實。Fortex方達科技已經完成了其旗艦版MT4 Bridge OMX橋插件設置界面的全面升級,使用創新的HTML5技術。這個新的、流暢的界面使得用戶可以輕松的對報價制定器和交易執行設置參數,在任意一個網頁瀏覽器上進行操作。


Fortex Bridge OMX橋插件網頁版界面可以在所有手機和移動設備上登錄,並且隨時可以登錄調整經紀商最重要的風險設置。使用這套輕點鼠標便可靈活調節的界面,經紀商可以更完美的應對市場新聞事件,更有效的管理風險,瞬間觸及到所有重要信息。


Fortex Bridge OMX完美駕馭訂單通過率、穩定性、可靠性和可拓展性的種種考驗。Fortex方達科技作為全球頂級ECN提供商,每天會接受來自於數以萬計的交易員,120億美金的交易和500,000張的訂單處理,幫助我們的客戶取得了顯著的收益。

Chinese, Traditional

A Landmark Partnership between Fortex and Axiory

Redwood Shores, California, February23, 2016Fortex, Inc., one of the leading electronic communication network (ECN) trading platforms, and Axiory – a global operated brand with direct market access (DMA), brokerage & asset management services, have teamed up to drive FX industry transformation in a collaborative effort to make FX Trading available on-the-go from any device.


Fortex and GDMFX forge global partnership to transform Forex Web trading standards

Redwood Shores, California, October 21, 2015 – Fortex, Inc., one of the leading electronic communication network (ECN) trading platforms and Global Derivative Capital Markets NZ Limited (GDMFX), a New Zealand registered international broker-dealer, announced today that they have formed a technology partnership that will make Fortex’s MT4 Web Trader solution available to GDMFX's worldwide clientele.


Fortex Launches Fortex 6

REDWOOD SHORES, Calif., September 30, 2014 – In a move that extends the powerful Fortex currency trading platform to end users, Fortex, Inc., today announced Fortex 6, its new cloud-based trading application and algo-ready development engine for traders. The introduction of Fortex 6 also represents Fortex’s debut as a platform vendor that now sells its revolutionary FX trading solutions directly to end users and broker dealers.

